The animals agree to the Seven Commandments that explains how every animal is equal and how each animal should treat its fellow animal.
The pigs think so and thus decide that this ‘equal’ society must be led so that this equality will last. However over time they begin to succumb to the excesses of success and as they believe themselves to be superior intellects, the decide that only they can organize and manage the other lower animals. Amending the commandments they begin to hide their excesses and as time goes by the lower animals find themselves in the same position they were in with the humans….
The book cleverly creates characters that despite being animals have human traits; it comments on how the underlying reasons for communism are good, but how an equal society simply cannot work due to man’s inability to avoid greed and temptation.
It’s not the most exciting book ever written but it is infused with satire and comedy; it’s the commentary on human nature and the evils we can easily commit that make it so compelling.